Physics Syllabus
1. Force, Work, Power and Energy
2. Light
3. Sound
4. Electricity and Magnetism
5. Heat
6. Modern Physics

Chemistry Syllabus
1. Periodic Properties and variations of Properties – Physical and Chemical
2. Chemical Bonding
3. Study of Acids, Bases and Salts
4. Analytical Chemistry
5. Mole Concept and Stoichiometry
6. Electrolysis
7. Metallurgy
8. Study of Compounds

Mathematics Syllabus
1. Commercial Mathematics
2. Algebra
3. Geometry
4. Mensuration
5. Trigonometry
6. Statistics
7. Probability

Biology Syllabus
1. Basic Biology
2. Plant Physiology
3. Human Anatomy and Physiology
4. Population
5. Pollution

English Literature
1. E-mail Writing
2. Notice Writing
3. Composition
4. Comprehension
5. Join the Sentences
6. Rewrite the sentences as directed
7. Fill in the prepositions
8. Fill in the passage

English Language
1. The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare’s unabridged play by A.W. Verity – Acts 3, 4 & 5 only)

2. Treasure Trove – A collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories (Evergreen Publications)
(i) Daffodils – William Wordsworth
(ii) I know why the Caged Bird Sings – Maya Angelou
(iii) The Patriot – Robert Browning
(iv) Abu Ben Adhem – Leigh Hunt
(v) Nine Gold Medals – David Roth

Prose (short stories):
(i) An Angel in Disguise– T.S. Arthur
(ii) The Little Match Girl – Hans Christian Andersen
(iii) The Blue Bead – Norah Burke
(iv) My Greatest Olympic Prize – Jesse Owens
(v) All Summer in a Day – Ray Douglas Bradbury

Geography Syllabus

Part I (Map Work)
1. Interpretation of Topographical Maps
(a) Locating features with the help of a four figure grid reference.
(b) Definition of contour and contour interval. Identification of landforms marked by contours (steep slope, gentle slope, hill), triangulated height, spot height, bench mark, relative height/ depth.
(c) Interpretation of colour tints and conventional symbols used on a topographical survey of India map.
(d) Identification and definition of types of scale given on the map.
Measuring distances and calculating area using the scale given therein.
(e) Marking directions between different locations, using eight cardinal points.
(f) Identify: Site of prominent villages and/or towns, types of land use / land cover and means of communication with the help of the index given at the bottom of the sheet.
(g) Identification of drainage (direction of flow, left bank and right bank) and patterns (Dendritic, Trellis, and Radial); nature of streams. Settlement patterns (Scattered and Compact).
(h) Identification of natural and man-made features.

2. Map of India
On an outline map of India, candidates will be required to locate, mark and name the following:
Mountains, Peaks and Plateaus: Himalayas, Karakoram, Aravali, Vindhyas, Satpura, Western and Eastern Ghats, Nilgiris, Garo, Khasi, Jaintia, Mount Godwin Austin (K2), Mount Kanchenjunga. Deccan Plateau, Chota Nagpur Plateau.
Desert: Thar (The Great Indian Desert)
Rivers: Indus, Jhelum, Satluj, Ganga, Yamuna, Kosi, Chambal, Betwa, Damodar, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Tapti, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Cauveri, Tungabhadra.
Water Bodies: Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of Khambhat, Andaman Sea, Chilka Lake, Wular Lake.
Passes: Karakoram, Nathu-La Passes.
Latitude and Longitudes: Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian (82° 30’E).
Direction of Winds: South West Monsoons (Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal Branches), North East Monsoons.
Distribution of Minerals: Oil – Mumbai High (Offshore Oil Field) and Iron – Singhbhum, Coal – Jharia.
Soil Distribution: Alluvial, Laterite, Black and Red Soil.
Cities: Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Kochi, Prayagraj/ Allahabad.
Population: Distribution of Population (Dense and sparse).

Part II (Geography of India)
3. Climate
4. Soil Resources
5. Natural Vegetation
6. Water Resources
7. Mineral and Energy Resources
8. Agriculture
9. Manufacturing Industries
10. Transport
11. Waste Management

Civics Syllabus – Section A
1. The Union Legislature
2. The Union Executive
3. The Judiciary

History Syllabus – Section B
1. The Indian National Movement (1857 – 1917)
2. Mass Phase of the National Movement (1915-1947)
3. The Contemporary World

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